Bono is right, no doubt about it, here in Ireland we have an “interesting attitude to success” and not just “BIG” success, small success too, in fact any success at all!
On the 20th September 2002, Oprah Winfrey interviewed Bono on her show under the title of “ROCK STAR BONO'S MISSION TO SAVE THE WORLD”
And during the interview Oprah asked Bono about his daily life when he is at home.
“Because you can just pop into a pub and nobody-- it's no big deal” – Winfrey
“Well, yeah, depending on the pub” – Bono
Bono then went on to explain – “I've often told this, but it's like, you know, in America, you look up at the house on the hill, the mansion on the hill and say, "One day I'm-- that-- that could be me." In Ireland, they look up at the mansion on the hill and go, "One day I'm gonna get that bastard”
“OK…” – Winfrey
Says it all really, as I said, Bono is right and when a man is right, he’s right. At this point you might expect to read “But is he right…” not this time - he’s right.
We are a nation of begrudgers, in fact if it was an Olympic sport – “And Ireland wins Gold again… !!!!!” we would be that good. FACT.
Every one of us begrudges the next, the poor begrudge the rich, the unemployed (I hate that word!) begrudge the employed who in turn begrudge their managers who in turn begrudge the directors who in turn begrudge other directors who in turn begrudge the owners. Civil servants begrudge all other civil servants while at the same time all private sector workers begrudge all civil servants. Neighbours begrudge neighbours; families begrudge family relations, etc. etc. One big old nation of begrudgers, that’s us in a nutshell, and you can be sure somebody somewhere begrudges our nutshell!
A fine mess altogether when you think about it, especially when you consider the state of the country and the task ahead of each and every one of us to first survive, then to grow. For a nation of begrudgers, I fear this task is one destined to fail, ask yourself, how on earth can we survive and grow if each and every one of us begrudges the next. Well the Tánaiste and Labour Party leader Eamon Gimore, who yesterday warned of tough decisions to be made in December's Budget believes the Government would "level with people" by telling them that while it will be difficult, “they are going to get on with it”
Is that it, is that the answer, head down, keep her lit, plough on, etc. etc.
Well that’s all right then… is it? Well no in fact its not “alright” and no we will not simply “get on with it” as suggested by the Tánaiste. We need to see the government move on the issues that mean something and NOT for politics sake but for the future of the country and the futures of each and everyone of its citizens before all is lost in a see of debt and depression.
Bloomberg, this morning published a reported on the state and fate of U.S. homeowners under the title “For the Economy, the Real Slam Dunk Is Debt Forgiveness: View” In their article they make the point that homeowners don’t need another reduction in their mortgage payments. What they need is a break on their debts. Obama’s people are looking at a strategy, which would refinance the loans of millions of homeowners in negative equity and by doing so the country would be better off. They believe that by “focusing on borrowers who are current on their payments, it would reward people who have acted responsibly -- as opposed to previous mortgage-modification programs, which have been limited mainly to defaulters”
Bloomberg’s view is that a better strategy would be to avert the foreclosures in the first place by writing down the principal on loans. With 13.3 million U.S. mortgage borrowers effectively in negative equity, Bloomberg believe that this approach, if done on a grand scale, would go a long way toward eliminating the debt burden that is hindering the recovery of the country and crucially, the debt relief would come in at minimal added cost to the U.S. taxpayer!
So Tánaiste, I want to level with you keep it simple stupid and get on with it! debt-forgiveness view
Gilmore warns of tough decisions in Budget
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