Today for the first time since I was a young boy, I feel poor… I have reached my personal tipping point and there is no going back.
Today I lost something which was very dear to me. It was mine, my thing, my choice, my small indulgence, it was mine but now it is gone and with it my freedom. I feel lost without it even though many would be grateful to loose such a thing but again all I can say is that it was mine and I miss it so.
If I had made a choice to go without it then I am sure these thoughts and words would not exist in my mind and in front of my eyes, more and more words explaining how I feel, an open window to the darkest reaches of my being. But I feel empowered by each word I write; I feel the anger behind each sentence. The words are alive, and speaking to me in hate filled tones of the darkest kind imaginable.
The words I speak are the words of future revolution. Once again, oppressed men and women of Ireland will come together and rise up against the ones who claim rights over our lives, for who are they to claim this right and who are we to accept this in passing and without recourse. Once before, our nations young and old came together to fight for the right to live a free life, many laid down their lives in the pursuit of freedom and I see now that many will come to this point in the future and they will choose freedom, they will choose life beyond the stars for the sake of Irish freedom.
This will be their choice, theirs alone to have and to hold, and they will rejoice in the feeling of power and might this choice delivers upon them. This will be their finest moment, a self empowerment, a rising from within and they will rejoice in their own splendour.
Today we live in constant debt; we are trained to do this as a method of controlling us so that we conform into the “Citizen bank”. This bank is not financially modelled, well not fully; it is the strategy of freedom control management. It’s simple really, let everyone feel and believe that they are free and they will wrap a tread of life around themselves so tightly, that they will become self conforming. They will work harder and pay taxes upon taxes, higher and higher until they can pay no more. And when that point comes, they will be offered a loan to help them into a “better structured” lifestyle.
These treads of life become a spider’s web of debt, once attached, you can never escape. The complex web structure is designed to offer you the vision of freedom through multiple paths of “escape” or fulfilment by offering you more and more avenues of credit. All the time you and drawn closer to the spider in the centre of the web.
Tonight I see that ordinary citizens of Ireland will over the next short period of time become self aware; they will finally see how corrupt our nation is; how unequal it is for the vast majority and how doomed it is without change. They will reach their own personal tipping point and they will awake to thoughts of revolution, thoughts of violence, thoughts of change, thoughts of life, thoughts of death, thoughts of freedom.
Tonight I am reborn in the shadow of Irish freedom with determination in my mind, body and soul. I dare to dream during the day and I swear to act on those dreams with all the energy I can amass until Ireland is free once more.
ár saoirse arís
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